What is the status of each FMS: occupied beds, vacant/available beds, supplies & equipment, patient contacts and capacity for at-risk populations since last report? However, it is important to realize that they exist. This is information that helps to coordinate what type of collection asset would best be able to collect the information needed to answer the PIR. 2-Geography has SIX Essential Elements. An immediate priority for command and staff action. It is people who design and operate the software, input the data, build the hardware and keep it running, write the procedures and it is ultimately people who determine the success or failure of a CBIS. Capabilities include those areas in which the populace may need help after combat operations, such as, public works and utilities, public health, economics, and commerce. Increasing assets in one area may compensate for a shortage of assets in another. This is not true. Page not found Instagram If the enemy force has been reduced more significantly then the analyst understands, something that happens frequently as accurate battle damage assessments are hard to do in the middle of combat, then the collector may never see the element described by the indicator because its size doesnt match. What are the illness and injury surveillance needs and capabilities of the potentially affected state(s)? What are the safety and health recommendations for facilities that cannot be evacuated (if requested by the state)? All CCIR are not tied to decision points; however, some CCIR may support one or more decision points. The commander's analysis of observation and fields of fire considers many factors, including the location and effect of dead space. How to Write a Winning Introduction Email - EngageBay B-24. This page is not available in other languages. 6 Essential Elements of a Successful Sales Pitch or - HubSpot What behavioral health assets can HHS OPDIVs and ESF#8 partners roster and deploy as necessary after landfall? As the name implies this is the information that indicates what the analyst is looking for is actually taking place. The C2 system cannot reduce judgment to procedures or rules. From the staff recommendations, or from his own priorities, the commander designates his CCIR. The commander designates determining whether the enemy has discovered the location and movement of the friendly reserve as one of the CCIR. : IMR-2s following a large formation T-72 main battle tanks and/or BMPs moving in attack formation. B-58. What activities are Donovia conducting within the AOR which affect US interests, access, or influence? The handful of simple questions contained within the Commanders Critical Information Requirements guide the intelligence collectors and analysts towards providing the commander the information needed to make timely and accurate decisions. People are the most often overlooked and most important part of a computer-based information system. Figure B-2. Observation is the condition of weather and terrain that permits a force to see the friendly, enemy, and neutral personnel and systems, and key aspects of the environment. Weather can create opportunities as well as difficulties for each side. If the military's mission is to support civil authorities, civil considerations define the mission. 5-Analysis of this information. What is the projected requirement for blood product support? Cover is protection from the effects of fires.
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