blue cross blue shield sleep apnea coverage

Schechter MS. American Academy of Pediatrics technical report: diagnosis and management of childhood obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Agreement between actigraphic and polysomnographic measures of sleep in adults with and without chronic conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Government Agency, Medical Society, and Other Authoritative Publications: ActigraphyApnea/Hypopnea Index (AHI)Apnea Risk Evaluation System (ARES)Nap StudyObstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)Pharyngometry AcousticQuantitative EEG MappingSleepStripSNAP Testing SystemStatic Charge Sensitive BedsTopographic EEG Mapping. 2011; 7(5):531-548. In order to prove your eligibility for coverage of your CPAP device, Anthem Blue Cross will require documentation such as relevant doctors notes, sleep test results, a prescription, and may include other documents, too. 2001; 19(1):173-186. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Updated the formatting of the Position Statement section. Assessing efficacy, outcomes and cost savings for patients with obstructive sleep apnea using two diagnostic and treatment strategies. Episodes often result in reductions in blood oxygen saturation and are usually terminated by brief arousals from sleep. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), updated definitions of OSA severity are provided as follows: Mild OSA: AHI of 5-15, involuntary sleepiness during activities that require little attention, such as watching TV or reading; Moderate OSA: AHI of 15-30, involuntary sleepiness during activities that require some attention, such as meetings or presentations; Severe OSA: AHI of more than 30, involuntary sleepiness during activities that require more active attention, such as talking or driving (AASM, 2008). Payment will be made for the rental of a PAP device for the first three (3) months (rental period) from the original start date of therapy, when the above clinical criteria are met. 2017; 13(10):1199-1203. Sleep disorder: A disruptive pattern of sleep that may include difficulty falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at inappropriate times, excessive total sleep time, or abnormal behaviors associated with sleep. Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome endobj @f4=:B5vq1=^- J)l5K7LH8|E6 1cqtEK=-!MHpIi%|2Qx#$:bDSX(3Q.q3U~23t{4>g>'Gd?qqQzbc>y>(q[@=r5"&'IVQBp3L.U5COHUHd"1xqz##{h Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Supplies - Regence However, youre probably wondering about insurance. Compliance monitoring equipment for CPAPs, APAPs, or BiPAPs (e.g., smart card, compliance chip, tele monitoring, and computer software) is considered an integral component of the function of the device and is not eligible for separate reimbursement.

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