characteristics of a child of yemaya

This goddess is among the favorite daughters of Olodumare. Orisha Yemaya: Queen of the Sea - Original Botanica They also usually ask for her well-being and that of her son. Grecia Ordonez Oruna on Instagram: "Congratulations to all children and Ad Choices. It should be noted that she is crowned, in her headdress should be reflected, 3 small drums, and the headdress should be similar in size to her son's head. Yemay is the orisha of motherhood, and queen of the sea. Both are related to the sea and protect its creatures. All roads of Yemaya are called Ib and each takes a slightly different shade of blue in her eleke. When this happens there is no need to keep trying, this kind of love is for life. This ceremony, being so intimate, at once helps to increase rapport with the religious community, to which one belongs, becomes familiar with the saint, this person who crowned the deity, knows in this ritual who his other parent is . With the help of this powerful deity, you can find almost anything, sincere or tied affection, recover from serious illnesses, pregnancies, and things in this vein. She brings rain. On the same sheet on the back, we will make the request in writing, either to reconcile or for the two. The enslaved worshippers asked Yemay to bring ease to their suffering, and she watched over them during their brutalized lives. Her day of the week is Saturday, and her colors are blue and white. It must be taken into account that Yemaya has power over the sea, and everything in it. She fled to the top of a peak, then brought terrible curse after terrible curse down upon her son, which struck him dead. Yembo this road of Yemaya is an orisha funfn (white orisha) that many consider in the court of Odudua. She is among the most powerful and beloved of the Seven African Powers, the sexy matriarch of the Yoruba spirits known as orishas. Garnish by placing the toasted coconut on top of the molasses drizzle. Mother of Fertility, embrace me, your humble child. She is one of the four pillars of the Santeria religion along with Obatala, Oshun and Chango. So it's common to hear references to "it" or "they" (although this is meant to address something of an oddity). They have much desire to excel, are consistent and determined fighters. The following interpretation of the phrase or term is that the goddess is the owner and governess of a river located in Nigeria called oggn, which he shares with his sister Oshun. You can call on Orisha Yemaya to grant you: Yemay is the Mother of the Seven Seas, the Creation Goddess, and Santeria Orisha of fertility and motherhood. Required fields are marked *. So when Chango or Yemaya (or Inle) are being consecrated, Oya's items must be out of the sacred room (Igbod). Dear progenitor of everything, beloved Yemay, be the mediator between evil, so that it does not come close to me, so that it does not obstruct my course of growth. That washes away all bane. The rituals of the saints are full of symbols, artifacts and offerings. If you want to complement this information, about the rituals you can read prayer to Yemaya.

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