The narrator also claims that half is forgotten thus highlighting the idea that the human mind is not reliable and can be tricked. He suffered, felt pain and joy. Here the references to Jewish symbols such as the synagogue and Zion suggest not only Old Testament suffering but, indeed, the suffering of the millions of Jewish people who had been, and were still being, killed in the Holocaust. Auden andStephen Spender, for examplehe had little use for socialistic ideas in his art. This poetic form enables Thomas to use the title within the poem as both an instruction (or request) and a simple indicative statement. Once you understand what's happening in the poem, you can start to get a better handle on what "Do not go gentle into that good night" means. Dylan Thomas was a fascinating man and poet, A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London, 10 T. S. Eliot Poems Everyone Should Read | Interesting Literature, The Best Philip Larkin Poems Everyone Should Read | Interesting Literature, Seven Classic Dylan Thomas Poems Everyone ShouldRead | A Readmill of my mind, Seven Classic Dylan Thomas Poems Everyone ShouldRead | BEATNIKHIWAY. This commentary on the political scenario of that time is a true reflection of a genius that he later became. Richard Morton noted inAn Outline of the Works of Dylan Thomasthat the poems of this volume are concerned with the relationship between the poet and his environment, particularly the natural environment. H. Jones, in hisDylan Thomas,declared the volume to be the core of Thomass achievement. Like we mentioned earlier, "Do not go gentle into that good night" comes out of Thomas' experience watching his father pass away. The originality of his work makes categorization difficult. He was far above the coolness of autumn and he became absorbed with memories of his childhood. In other words, the wise mana teacher, scholar, or some other educated personworries that his ideas will not live on. Put another way: if you can't avoid dying, it's better to go down fighting than to not fight at all!