If you are intending to carry out any works to trees then you should contact the Tree Team at Eastleigh Borough Council first to confirm the protection status of the tree(s), if you do not then you risk prosecution if the tree is protected by virtue of a TPO or because it is located within a Conservation Area. 0000002035 00000 n Delivery, transporting, and placement of construction materials and equipment on site. , Format: N/A, Dataset: Tree Preservation Orders, All datasets from Eastleigh Borough Council, Freedom of information requests for this dataset. 2001. Baseline documentation for a site, including information from site and tree preservation plans, tree and environmental surveys, and photographs, is useful for inspections. Overview - Staffordshire County Council The Council employs 2.4 fte arboriculturalists, who between them spend approximately 0.6 fte of officer time managing the Council's tree stock as part of their overall duties as follows: 2.4.1 Tree Services Manager: development control (50%), EBC trees (20%), tree preservation orders (15%), team management (15%). This data is restricted under the Ordnance Survey (OS) Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA). Require landscaping and tree preservation plans that denote tree conservation areas, critical root zones of trees to be protected, as well as measures that will be taken to protect trees before, during, and after development. Removal of trees larger than a certain DBH or caliper (diameter) 6 to 12 inches above the ground line based on tree type, such as hardwood or softwood, or a stated species. The information within these map layers is indicative only. Examples of incentives offered include the following: The Town of Boone provides credit based on the DBH of trees that are preserved (Figure 1). Tree Preservation Orders - a Freedom of Information request to We also have another church building named St Francis' which is on Nightingale Ave, SO50 9JA. Communities across North Carolina address tree protection and retention in various ways. Cooperative Extension is based at North Carolina's two land-grant institutions, 0000003260 00000 n ;ni-mY^?|hUpC:?X8pWWV,WAj,rOM|w::0Z/ 'P\(1x)_y(|&, 83~K'eb)R=7YDOpo:gPb/$*', 0~^:BgTgQlZt-#$}Cg H,U.tB+n2tIBWkZO;ktwvW2-H-990: Gz0ngqu4L 4+-x!t%O0w& gxPiD>IYP'`acPfw#a^8zCO(p%voH;W6r~ 9k6)X\{%Uh(Y8uCBnw]RWMG _ Un6b=f Burgess, J. Removal of trees providing habitat for endangered wildlife. Pruning and maintenance procedures and standards for trees are often outlined within an ordinance. Establish buffer standards that specify some amount of vegetative buffer around an area to be harvested, particularly along streams or roadways in highway overlay districts. Local governments should use their authority consistently in promulgating regulations and be careful to observe instances where one authority, such as a local bill, contains restrictions on creating or enforcing regulations or conflicts with their broader planning and zoning authority. Vegetation of any type that can be used for buffering and screening is often lumped together with fences, walls, and earthen berms, which are not damaged by construction equipment, do not require protection of critical root zones, and are more easily replaced than trees.
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