elective c section mumsnet

This usually happens for medical reasons, although sometimes a woman may prefer an elective c-section for personal reasons, especially if she has had a previous vaginal birthwhich was difficult or traumatic. Seems to me the risk of strep B falls squarely on the baby, whereas most of . Baby being in a breech or transverse position, which could make a vaginal birth more difficult and issues with the placenta, including having a low-lying placenta, which may be blocking the babys way out. Also didn'tlike the idea of feeling the pulling and tugging. I am trying to think of the positives of having a general such as I have been to bond with my baby over the last few months feeling little kicks and wriggles and it would be good for OH to bond whilst I am recovering, as relatively speaking it is only for an hour or two (I hope) whilst I recover. It has really helped me. It also helped take away thefeeling that it's going to pop open when you cough or sneeze. If you were to have a section it is important to remember that it would be major abdominal surgery, you are likely to still have the Symphisis pubis pain following your delivery for sometime whilst all the hormones adjust back to the pre-pregnancy state. I am going to push for one but not sure where i stand?? No matter how much pain you are in, just keep reminding yourself that tomorrow you will be 100% better. Can you have an elective C-Section in Scotland? And he was about to come out. 19/04/2023 15:11. You may also wish to speak to your midwife before the surgery to plan who you would like to have with you at the birth. Recovery was not a walk in the park but (will spare you the relevant medical details) I think I dodged a bullet. Straight after the procedure, you will be moved into a recovery room and monitored by medical staff. I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience, and for the record, I didn't find recovery after Caesarean any trouble at all. Or not progressing, going through labor just Hi everyone, Im 8 weeks pregnant with my second baby and was wondering did anyone have any experience with elective C-section? Elective Cesarean Delivery - Causes, Risks & More - FirstCry Parenting We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Dont worry about being able to see them cut into you as they will put a screen up in front of you to hide the procedure itself. A caesarean section, or C-section, is an operation to deliver your baby through a cut made in your tummy and womb. Seems to me the risk of strep B falls squarely on the baby, whereas most of the risk of c-section falls on the mother. They had trouble getting a canula in her hand in special care, and I know that my husband was glad that he was there to protect his little girl when she was distressed. An obstetrician will always explain the benefits and risks of a c-section and vaginal delivery to any mother considering their birth options..

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