Blue Canopy performed Critical Functions as determined by OMB Policy Letter 11-01 and best practices; and. In addition, routine reviews ensure that both contractor and agency staff know their roles and responsibilities in the event of an unexpected incident, and validate the planned response. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued an award to Drger for the supply of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved N95 respiratory protection masks. As part of the procurement risk assessment, include a cost effectiveness analysis. DOA and CIOO officials acknowledged that the FDIC had not incorporated OMB Policy Letter 11-01 (September 2011), and related best practices, into the FDICs Acquisition Policy Manual (August 2008), or Acquisition Procedures, Guidance and Information (January 2020). Specifically, the FDIC did not discuss with the Board its procurement risk assessment, management oversight strategy, contract structuring, and ongoing monitoring reports for the procured Critical Functions. Corrective Action: In addition to current practices, the FDIC plans to address this recommendation through the study and actions described in our response to Recommendation 1. This example highlights the need for the FDIC to clearly define the terminology related to Critical Functions and incorporate the underlying concepts embodied in Critical Functions, so that it can readily identify Critical Functions in such procurements and take appropriate actions with heightened monitoring and controls. Footnote: 38 An Award Profile Report is a report that summarizes FDIC contracting activity on a quarterly basis. Procured Blue Canopy Services Deemed to Be Critical Functions of the FDIC, 1. endstream endobj 527 0 obj <>stream The .gov means its official. In particular, the policy letter states that agencies should determine the type and level of management attention necessary to ensure that functions that should be reserved for Federal performance are not materially limited by or effectively transferred to contractors and that functions suitable for contractor performance are properly managed. 526 0 obj <>stream The FDIC publishes regular updates on news and activities. A CIOO official stated that the IGCE represented a cost effectiveness analysis. %%EOF While agencies often rely upon third-party contractors to perform a wide variety of services and other activities, there are numerous risks that may arise from an agencys use of third-party contractors, including performance, monetary, legal, and reputational risks.
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