The superficial peroneal nerve also gives sensation to the dorsum of the foot. Generally, fibula fractures do well, and most patients have normal function at long-term follow-up (. Fractures of the fibular shaft occurring without ankle injury nearly always are associated with tibial shaft fractures. may be done supine with bump under affected limb or in lateral position. - C2 diaphyseal fracture of the fibula, complex. 2023 Lineage Medical, Inc. All rights reserved, Posterior Malleolus and Fibula Fracture ORIF, Orthobullets Technique Guides cover information that is "not testable" on ABOS Part I, Fracture Preparation and Reduction (Fibula), Soft Tisue Dissection (Posterior Malleolus), Fracture Preparation and Reduction (Posterior Malleolus), firmly hold proximal tibia while contralateral hand dorsiflexes and externally rotates foot, 3-0 nylon for skin with horizontal mattress stitches, in diabetics or patients with high risk for skin breakdown, use modified Allgower-Donati stitch to reduce tension on skin, advance weight-bearing status in CAM boot, if syndesmotic screw(s) placed need to be non-weightbearing, Leg Compartment Release - Single Incision Approach, Leg Compartment Release - Two Incision Approach, Arm Compartment Release - Lateral Approach, Arm Compartment Release - Anteromedial Approach, Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fracture, Humerus Shaft ORIF with Posterior Approach, Humerus Shaft Fracture ORIF with Anterolateral Approach, Olecranon Fracture ORIF with Tension Band, Olecranon Fracture ORIF with Plate Fixation, Radial Head Fracture (Mason Type 2) ORIF T-Plate and Kocher Approach, Coronoid Fx - Open Reduction Internal Fixation with Screws, Distal Radius Extra-articular Fracture ORIF with Volar Appr, Distal Radius Intraarticular Fracture ORIF with Dorsal Approach, Distal Radius Fracture Spanning External Fixator, Distal Radius Fracture Non-Spanning External Fixator, Femoral Neck Fracture Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning, Femoral Neck FX ORIF with Cannulated Screws, Femoral Neck Fracture ORIF with Dynamic Hip Screw, Femoral Neck Fracture Cemented Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty, Intertrochanteric Fracture ORIF with Cephalomedullary Nail, Femoral Shaft Fracture Antegrade Intramedullary Nailing, Femoral Shaft Fracture Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing, Subtrochanteric Femoral Osteotomy with Biplanar Correction, Distal Femur Fracture ORIF with Single Lateral Plate, Patella Fracture ORIF with Tension Band and K Wires, Tibial Plateau Fracture External Fixation, Bicondylar Tibial Plateau ORIF with Lateral Locking Plate, Tibial Plafond Fracture External Fixation, Tibial Plafond Fracture ORIF with Anterolateral Approach and Plate Fixation, Ankle Simple Bimalleolar Fracture ORIF with 1/3 Tubular Plate and Cannulated Screw of Medial Malleol, Ankle Isolated Lateral Malleolus Fracture ORIF with Lag Screw, Calcaneal Fracture ORIF with Lateral Approach, Plate Fixation, and Locking Screws, RETIRE Transtibial Below the Knee Amputation (BKA), identify joint involvement and articular step-off (>25%, >2mm requires ORIF), rolls under chest and knees and bump under hip for neutral rotation, between FHL (tibial nerve) and peroneal muscles (SPN), lobster claw or pointed clamps with hand rotation to reduce fibular fracture, move to posterior malleolus and free up fragments, place buttress plate 1/3 tubular or T-plate over posterior malleolus, anterior to posterior screws and 1/3 tubular plate over fibula, perform Cotton test / external rotation stress test to determine if syndesmosis injured, 1 or 2 screws, 3.5/4.5mm, tricortical or quadricortical, 2 wks non-weight bearing in postmold sugartong splint, 4-6 wks in CAM boot with progression of weight bearing and range of motion exercises, identify amount of joint involvement and articular step-off (>25%, >2mm requires ORIF), posterior malleolus fractures <25% of joint surface and <2mm articular step-off can be treated non-operatively in short leg walking cast vs. cast boot, CT often needed to evaluate percentage of joint surface involved, identify ankle fracture pattern (Lauge-Hansen SA, SER, PA, PER) and associated injuries, need to evaluate syndesmotic injury with stress exam, stiffness of syndesmosis restored to 70% of normal with isolated posterior malleolus fixation alone, standard OR table with radiolucent end, c-arm from contralateral side perpendicular to table, monitor at foot of bed in surgeon direct line of site, 2.0/2.5mm drills, 2.7/3.5mm cortical screws, 4.0mm cancellous screws, 1/3 tubular plates (Synthes Small Fragment Set), prone with feet at the end of the bed, bump under hip to get limb into neutral rotation, thigh tourniquet placed while patient supine high on thigh before flipping prone, internervous plane between FHL (tibial nerve) and peroneal muscles (SPN), incision along posterior border of fibula, access fibula with posterior retraction of peroneals, access posterior malleolus with anterior retraction of peroneals, blunt dissection between FHL and peroneals, stack of blue towels under anterior ankle to elevate limb, mark out lateral malleolus, anterior and posterior borders of fibula, borders of Achilles, incision ~6-8cm in length along posterolateral border of fibula, 15 blade through skin then tenotomy scissors to spread subcutaneous tissue with minimal soft tissue stripping, identify SPN with more proximal fractures, take fascia down sharply over posterior border of fibula anterior to peroneal tendons, sharp dissection down to bone with subperiostel dissection at fracture edges, extraperiosteal dissection proximal and distal to fracture site with knife and wood handled elevator, clean out fracture site using freer to open fracture site, curettes, small rongeur, dental pick, and irrigation to remove hematoma and interposed soft tissue, use lobster clamp and pointed clamps to reduce fracture, use hand rotation and contralateral thumb to help guide fragments together, lobster clamp has good hold on bone while pointed clamps have a more fine-tuned feel for reduction, need to be perpendicular to vector of fracture line, place temporary kwires to provisionally fix fragments, identify interval between peroneals and FHL, identify FHL by flexing hallux and watching for muscle belly movement, need to protect and retract posterior tibial neurovascular bundle medial to FHL, place self retainers and incise periosteum over post mal with 15blade, clean fracture site as above with fibula, do not release PITFL off of fragment as this will destabilize syndesmosis and devitalize fragment, fracture should reduce with reduction of fibula, reduce with direct pressure pushing down onto fragment, two 3.5mm screws (2.5mm drill) anterior to posterior in T-plate distal, 2 screws proximal into distal tibia, check placement of plate and screws under fluoro, make sure screws are perpendicular to bone, do not want distal screws (typically 40mm) to protrude anterior and irritate tibialis anterior, after fixing posterior malleolus move back to fibula fracture, place lag screw (2.7mm screw/2.0mm drill) followed with 1/3 tubular plate using antiglide technique on posterior aspect of fibula, place 2-3 3.5mm bicortical screws (2.5mm drill), most distal screw will likely be 4.0 cancellous since its close to joint and/or syndesmosis, check plate and screw positions with fluoro on AP and Lat views, reduction tenaculum is placed ~2cm above joint and lateral pull applied, opening of the syndesmosis on mortise view is indicative of a positive stress test, if increased opening of tibia-fibular overlap syndesmosis is injured, anterior-posterior instability exam is most sensitive for syndesmosis injury, formally open the anterior aspect of the syndesmosis (anterior to fibula), remove interposing tissue if preventing reduction, place Weber pointed clamp or large periarticular clamp across syndesmosis, one tine on medial tibia and other on lateral fibula, hold foot in neutral dorsiflexion andinspect syndesmosis from lateral incision, inspect syndesmosis from lateral incision to ensure anatomic reduction, use 2.5mm (or 3.5mm) long drill bit to drill across fibula into tibia, drill bit orientation parallel to joint 2-4cm above joint, drill bit is angled ~20-30 posterior to anterior due to fibular position in syndesmosis, obtain final AP, mortise, and lateral radiographs, irrigate wounds thoroughly and deflate tourniquet if used, deep fascial closure over plate with 0-vicryl, soft incision dressing followed by postmold sugartong splint with extra padding under heel for immobilization, remove splint and place in short-leg cast boot, non-weight bearing, can allow ROM if soft tissue is appropriate, advance weight-bearing if diabetic, insensate, or syndesmotic screws present, syndesmotic screws to stay in for at least 12 weeks, syndesmotic screws will loosen or break if maintained, superficial and deep infections (1-2%, up to 20% in diabetics), peroneal irritation from posterior fibula antiglide plating, iatrogenic injury to SPN during fibula exposure, PITFL, posterior tibial neurovascular bundle during FHL exposure.
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