how to cancel puregym membership

You will need to cancel your membership at least 4 working days before your next payment is due to stop the payment being taken. Members give away when they find another health club better than the PureGym. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these terms that is caused by any event that is outside of our reasonable control. To avoid fees and cancel your membership quickly and completely, there are some important steps you should take depending on what method youre using. You can obtain information ONLINEor ask a member of staff at the club. We cannot guarantee the ongoing availability of each benefit. Free freeze - you can currently freeze for free for up to one month. In Scotland and Wales, face coverings must be worn by law within the communal areas of the gym, but can be removed whilst exercising. We're sorry to hear that you want to leave - but did you know you can freeze or transfer your membership instead? You can get a new membership card at any time at the club for a fee of CHF20. We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notifying you if you are in breach of the Clubs Rules. If you're in Northern Ireland, contact Consumerline. Scroll down and select the Membership cancellation option. Please note that the reduced duration can affect the end of your contract. The PIN number / Access Device remains our property at all times (unless agreed otherwise and evidenced in writing). You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges set for the Type of Membership chosen. You can expect a one-hour individual instruction provided by a professional trainer on site. The start date can only be delayed up to 7 days. If you are a fixed member and want to cancel the membership, follow the steps listed below. Hurry, ends midnight! You can check it at MYPUREGYM. But despite all the features some people are not satisfied with their services and want to cancel the membership.

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