To save money and assure a good slope to the shower floor, we purchased the Kerdi pan, membrane, bans, drain and mortar. #3 This is a DIY site. rev2023.5.1.43405. YTMzNjMwMDQ0NmQyZGJhZWEzZTEzMGNhNjIzOTQ2NTkyNjcxOGQwNTRmNWU1 Kerdi pan WILL work perfectly fine with cement board walls, but that assumes the walls are covered with Kerdi membrane. Can I install Kerdi board just on the walls of my shower and use a PVC membrane on the floor? However if installed on drywall it is only protecting one side. Calculate all your membrane requirements for your project. Yes. You tile on top of that. The rubber/waterproof layer remains intact on the walls. Cortona by Jetcoat shower wall systems features encaustic tile-look shower walls to create a bold statement in your bathroom. Shop shower pans & parts and a variety of bathroom products online at x 48 in. For floor/wall connections, use KERDI-BAND. At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that the preferred shower setup would be the Kerdi shower pan with Kerdi board walls. Test the shower for leaks before using it. No. And the only off center pan they offer is 38" wide, and his shower is 38" and he wouldn't be able to get it offset, unless he cut a chunk off one side and used dry pack mortar to fill in the other side. YmE3MzkzMTAwZjg2NTdjNmQ1YjU3ZTcwZGNmMWE2Nzg0ODU4OTc2ZGQ4ZjIz Point drain with integrated bonding flange, Complete bathtub and shower base surround kit, Bonded waterproofing and vapor-retardant membrane, Contact us: 888-472-4588 BlueSky. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and advice. Apply thin-set mortar to the substrate using a 1/4" x 3/16" (6 x 5 mm) V-notched trowel or the KERDI-TROWEL, which features a 1/8" x 1/8" (3 x 3 mm) square-notched design (Note the open time of the mortar). You do NOT use drywall (ANY type) in a shower enclosure. Please refer to the Schluter-Shower System Installation Handbook How long do I have to wait before I can install tile on the Schluter-KERDI membrane? thick x 2 in. YzJhYjM5MGVmOTg3ZDk0MGZkYjI5OTI5ZTgxZDFhZDhlYjRiOWJlYzVkOGM1 KERDI shall be separated at existing expansion, structural, and flexible edge joints. Both Kerdi board and cement board walls are compatible with Kerdi shower pans. Backerboard plus a waterproofing membrane like Redgard is all that is needed for tub surrounds with thinset then tile. Cement board is the most popular wall material in showers because it's cheaper and more durable than Kerdi board. They are also ideal tile underlayments, and you can get them in multiple sizes. Continuing Education for Architects & Designers. 304 STAINLESS SHOWER DRAIN: Premium anti-rust . Install a new mud pan in the void to relevel that portion of the shower pan and threshold (sloped to drain).