Claiming compensation for a personal injury, Help for victims of rape and sexual violence, Keeping your family in the UK after Brexit, Getting a visa for your spouse or partner, check how many bedrooms you can get Housing Benefit for, check the local housing allowance rate in your area, check how the benefit cap will affect you, check how the bedroom tax will affect your Housing Benefit. For queries regarding fair rents, Local Housing Allowance rates, and to contact a Rent Officer, please email: <> How many children aged between 10 and 15 (inclusive) live in your household? This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. For example, if someone lives with you who could help pay the rent or you have a spare room. Tables showing the Local Housing Allowance rates in accordance with statute. If your household includes adults who live with you the amount of benefit you get may be reduced if they are classified as non-dependants. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. By couple we mean a man and a woman who are married or living together as if they are married, or two people of the same sex who are Civil Partners/Married or living together as if they were. The budget assumes a continuation of the contribution from Housing Leeds of 500k in addition to the Government grant award. Login - Leeds Homes 3.3.1 The Housing Benefit Administration Subsidy grant is expected to reduce by 149k based on . This is called the benefit cap. %PDF-1.3 When you have registered you can get online access to your: Council Tax details Business Rates details Housing Benefits & Council Tax Support details Landlords - details of the Housing. Leeds City Council Houses - 325 houses for rent in Leeds by Theres a limit to the amount of benefits you can get each week. 4 0 obj *Month housing benefit claim startsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember *Year. <>/Contents 17 0 R/ArtBox[0 0 595 842]/CropBox[0 0 595 842]/Parent 79 0 R>> @OGxBC`vl \AX!Z'yP@#$m30$V' : FC"2TZXAm'g$ #hKp4t` Use our free benefits calculator to find out what you're entitled to, Find out how our online solutions can help your clients and staff. However, lodgers, boarders and sub-tenants will not be counted as being entitled to a room when working out your bedroom entitlement. Single private tenants aged 35 or over are entitled to one bedroom under Local Housing Allowance rules in the same way as couples. The benefit cap also doesnt apply if you or your partner stopped work less than 9 months ago. The council will also look at the income of any other adults you live with who arent tenants or boarders for example a grown-up son or daughter. Take 3 minutes to tell us if you found what you needed on our website. rapxZhQ*N';&qOK "JlrbQNO(N a0Nx^VL)4feHX_H [0DV+ s^8% yD`AOhW!cN5:-a7;M702g! _f>3zy{zR{$%&]heMF"KzTz1;n\~n 5~LS\?R~4R TD'rz= The number of bedrooms a household needs can be increased in certain circumstances. Leeds City Council 21 Jan 2021 - Housing Assistant in Leeds, England Recommend CEO Approval Business Outlook Pros Job security, convenience, training opportunities Cons Need to apply for roles for progression rather than being awarded for merit Be the first to find this review helpful Helpful 1.0
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