nih early stage investigator r01

Applicants who receive funding as the PD/PI of an R01, RM1, SC1, DP1, DP2, or any other type of disqualifying award, including certain ones listed above, prior to issuance of the ESI MIRA become ineligible to receive the award. Notice of Funding Opportunity Description, Section IV. Any application awarded in response to this NOFO will be subject to terms and conditions found on the Award Conditions and Information for NIH Grants website. Consistent with the NIH NGRI, NIMHD seeks to encourage the stable integration of early stage investigators (ESIs) into the scientific research workforce. Do not include specific aims or use any similar designation in the abstract. No. Instead, a total requested direct cost amount for each budget period, including requests for equipment purchase, is required. is acting as the primary caregiver within the first year of the birth or adoption of a child. NINDS will fund additional R01 applications from Early Stage Investigators with scores beyond the percentile payline with the aim of supporting these early career scientists at a success rate equivalent to that of established investigators submitting new R01 applications. Similarly, early career stage applicants may not have yet published independently as senior or corresponding authors, and the absence of these publications should not be viewed as a weakness. For this NOFO, eligibility is limited to NIH-definedEarly Stage Investigators. Funding Staff & Contact Information - Office of State Inspector General In addition to the revised Other Support page, include an explanation of how changes in other support relate to the activities supported by the MIRA. Active R13 funding opportunities Project Summary/Abstract: Use the abstract to provide an overview of research in the laboratory, the goals for the next five years, and an overall vision of the research program. Investigators and teams composed of researchers at different career stages. Budget: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about ESI MIRA PAR-23-145 Clinical research that involves recruitment of human subjects at more than one site, or the substantial financial support of multiple collaborators and subcontractors, is not allowed, because these fixed commitments are not consistent with the highly flexible nature of the MIRA program. It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the Research (R) Instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, except where instructed to do otherwise (in this NOFO or in a Notice from NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts). A successful program will result in an accredited master's degree program to produce trained and independent clinical researchers who can become engaged in conducting translational and/or patient-oriented research projects.Duration: Up to 5 years to a minority institutionBudget Cap: $500,000/yr direct costsApplications Due: By RFA only.

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