My friend showed me how to make one and mine shows up in most places but not here, for some odd reason. The heart chakra is blocked so the energy cannot go beyond that point. Almost. xx, The planet or angle person looks up to the Adonis person and finds the Aphrodite person beautiful, Your email address will not be published. Synastry-The Moon Conjunct 20 Asteroids. The vertex shows that which other people will bring to you. Martian energy in general makes the relationship better, so they may find that after intimate physical moments, or a fight, they feel more in tune with their partner and closer with them than before. Mars-Sun conjunctions, squares, and oppositions usually inspire a need to make the relationship physical and generate a sort of buzz of energy between the two people involved. Ultimately, it is the Pluto person who has the upper hand in terms of whether the relationship is going to endure. Im frustrated because the sex is too hot to leave but the girls either explode or provoke me to explode and they really do a lot to provoke me. 5. Double whammy Juno conjunct MC Synastry-The Moon Conjunct 20 Asteroids - My Christian Psychic I will make a list for you and come back and put it here. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Mars-Sun conjunctions, squares, and oppositions usually inspire a need to make the relationship physical and generate a sort of "buzz" of energy between the two people involved. His Aphrodite conjunct my Saturn. Mars Opposite Mars Synastry can be quite volatile. Oh My Lord. C. Adonis or Aphroditeworship of the person. The capricorn conj. mars will spark fire in ics most vulnerable spots. My Neptune conjuncted his S Node. my nessus trines his amor and psyche and square his alma but my eros also trines his psyche?? Does this mean everyone I share this contact with will betray me this way? Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Is this love or something aesthetic like art /music? Their best dates involve doing activities, and they both feel more energized in each others presence. So, when you go through the list of asteroids, you can see what would be bells and whistles. D. Valentineperhaps the truest form of love. Magi astrology is like another part of astrology, which deals with timing, like when is the right time to meet someone or make love, or marry.. etc Who does and feels what? Your post inspires me to say it also matters "when" you have it, for it gets better with age, generally. his Juno conjuncts my Sun Initially, this relationship may seem very well starred. I was able to find some information on the juno square nn aspect but none on the juno square vertex one. He will be loyal and true to you. My Unitas, incidentally, is exactly conjunct that great great grandfather. Thank you so much for your great Insights , Your email address will not be published. And beyond this, I discovered this week that she and I have near exact (<1^orb) the same Sun/Moon midpoint! Venus,in your above example, does not tell us which one. The double moon placement in the 8th and 2nd seems near ideal for a deep and intense yet calming and stable relationship (combined Taurus, Scorpio energies), that soothes my Taurus ascendant and feels comfortable for her Scorpio south node.