If caught, they get a slap on the wrist via the RCP and get a cut of the action that is likely more than what theyd earn working an honest job. Its a community problem. King County Executive Dow Constantine proposes new - The Seattle Times One had arrived in the facility earlier that day; another had spent nearly 640 days in detention for a first-degree rape charge. The county will also begin to look for new alternatives to traditional fare enforcement on Metro buses. To demonstrate this philosophy, he used an example of a situation in which two school students see each other outside of school and one decides he is going to bully the other and take his backpack. Washingtons COVID-19 exposure notification app is scheduled to conclude May 11 in tandem with the end of the Public Health. Restorative Community Pathways is a diversion program that sends lower-level juvenile cases mostly misdemeanors, up to offenses like burglary, car theft, and gun charges to community. Although Dunns motion was shot down five to one during a council meeting on March 1, 2022, Hung wants people to know the facts about the program and how his office is viewing it. Restorative Community Pathways has funds to offer the victims of crimes immediate restitution without going through a lengthy court process, Hung said. Join us weekly on Spotify as we talk about the business of justice, the industries involved in mass incarceration, and the experiences of people who have worked in and lived through the criminal justice systems. Play Play Play Play She argued that restorative justice programs such as RCP make a root-cause analysis into crime and help to make progress to prevent crime and strengthen community through the process. Hung said this is a decent metric and indicator of how juvenile crime has been decreasing over the years despite a huge population explosion in the region during the same time period. RCP is an important step on King Countys journey to zero youth detention, as the County divests from the juvenile legal system responses to youth in crisis and invests in a community-based diversion response, and the early results are promising. University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business. In 2016,Dominiqueestablished Community Passageways, after multiple gun related deaths and incidents on Rainier Avenue. By Henry Stewart-Wood September 15, 2022 4:55 pm A look inside the King County Juvenile Detention Center. What does dysfunction in these systems cost our livelihoods, health, family wellbeing, and taxes? It has great artwork and lounge areas, but that doesnt make it therapeutic., Hung knows that the aesthetic changes to the detention center dont amount to a kind of restorative justice. Earlier this year, Constantine said the county would repurpose its new youth jail by 2025 and close the adult jail in Seattle at an undetermined point in the future. It will also depend on how the entities guiding the process both in county government and in the nonprofit sector define the end of youth detention.. Youthhave the opportunity tosign out-of-court agreements in lieu of criminal charging and formal court. Kristin Elia, Executive Office, 206-477-8209, Main phone: 206-263-9600 Community Passageways CP COVID-19 Response: We are continuously committed to helping young people, their families, and the community by meeting basic needs, meeting virtually, and advocating for the release of incarcerated people.
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