social issues in south asia

0000000016 00000 n -- Volume 22, Number 2, October 2007, Editorial Board In Bangladesh, regime repression of dissent and of opposition movements have been commonplace. As in the mountainous peripheries where the state waged counterinsurgency against the TTP, due process and rule of law have been troubled in the Karachi operations. Get the latest news from World101, including teaching resources and special offers. However, in South Asian families individuals can also feel pressure to sacrifice their personal desires for the expectations of their family. Across all South Asian countries, patriarchal values and social norms tend to privilege men and boys access to opportunities and control over resources. These inequalities are manifested across the life cycle from conception, to birth, to childhood, adolescence through to adult life. WebSouth Asia as the most dangerous place on Earth because of the rivalry between the two nuclear powers India and Pakistan over a number of issues. Meanwhile, Bangladeshanother neighboraccommodates a population over half the size of the United States in an area the size of Iowa. Afghanistan is not producing national accounts statistics since August 2021, so they are excluded from the table. For instance, Nepals peace process is a model of civil war termination through a political settlement, while the Sri Lanka governments destruction of the LTTE left a trail of dead and displaced civilians. Government policies have also gone a long way toward improving health in the region. Other film industries include Tollywood for Telugu-language films and Sandalwood for Kannada-language films. Finally, Bangladesh has become a de facto competitive authoritarian regime in which the ruling Awami League established a dominant position. Yet there are reasons to be cautious in concluding that there has been an irreversible transformation. There is a fundamental difference between a context in which security forces are targeted (even with only rare success) and those in which no one is interested in attacking the state. -- Volume 31, Number 2, July 2016, Editorial Board There are various currents of social movements, today, across the region, which have become strengthened and highly vocal over last three decades. Social taboos run deep in every region, state, This leads to heightened levels of psychological stress and interference with the identity formation process, especially when a person feels a stronger connection to the dominant western culture. Religion in South Asia: Diverse But Source of Tension. MHA expenditures rose an average of 15 percent annually from 20112012 to 20202021, with expenditures for police specifically rising 12 percent annually on average. Y$+nEq7q4},@B-A)?XH;Y.GQ4TU The number is even highertwo-thirds of all school-aged girlsin Afghanistan, where 83 percent of women are illiterate. Existing violence data is not adequate to make fine-grained claims: it is likely that official records undercount civilian deaths, and both media and government reports can be highly unreliable in their distinctions between civilians and militants. In this context, this essay explores whether and how there is contestation in the south Asian social movements. A set of deals with local warlords and TTP splinters created partners for the security forces; rather than monopolizing violence, the security apparatus has used other non-state armed groups as tools of power projection and local control.

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