swelling under chin after thyroidectomy

Thank you for your help and yes I will write a list for Friday. Fever with a temperature higher than 101.5. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. My concern is that in the last few days I had swelling pop up below my collar bone. I am scheduled for RAI end of next week and have been on the low iodine diet for 1 week. I'm concerned that there is something going on. It stings b/c of the pressure my neck has on it. Thyroid. Nausea and vomiting after thyroidectomy was the norm at one time, and people may be concerned if they talk with others who had this procedure in the past. Partner with the expert for the best care. Z7gFskZKJB``nsL|g,g/7? Size has not grown since. If you have a nodule, your provider may perform a fine needle aspiration (a type of. If you have a large goiter or a large cancerous tumor, youll likely need a total thyroidectomy. Your throat may be sore due to the breathing tube your healthcare team placed during the surgery. Im due for blood work again that was about 8 months ago. PDF Thyroidectomy/ Parathyroidectomy Post-Operative Instructions Thyroid cancer - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Recurrence-free survival rates were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression methods. As far as safety, a 2018 study suggests that outpatient surgery may be safe, but the researchers admitted that the study may be biased (people who were are at greater risk are more likely to be hospitalized, whereas those at lower risk were more likely to be offered the procedure on an outpatient basis). I'm assuming it's normal, but will probably call my dr just to make sure. Please let me know how to keep my sanity after all of this. Thyroiditis - NHS (TT was February 7th). <> Follow up.they put me on 112mcg of synthroid; my Endo used the algorithm method (using weight as a factor in deciding on doseage). A 46-year-old woman is hospitalized in Riga, Latvia, 1 month after suddenly developing an enlarged chin, which is swollen and tender. Having regular thyroid testing done is also important, as hypothyroidism may not occur right away, or even for months or years. I hope someone can relate and can enlighten me on their experience and maybe some answers. All I could think about all day was my neck. He contacted Dr. Hay immediately and they did an FNA -- within a half hour I was in Dr. Hays' office with the results of the new FNA - negative! Post-thyroidectomy patients have a central neck scar. I was going to take a photo but didnt want to put people off their breakfast! Could this be connected?

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