unsw optometry research

For further information about Claire, see her research pages: https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/associate-professor-claire-melissa-vajdic Alison is a Scientia Lecturer and Project Leader of Industry Collaborations in the Faculty of Engineering, School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering. Through his research, Nathan aims to: (1) identify the behavioural and neural processes through which emotions shift information processing from cortical to subcortical regions of the brain, and (2) develop a theory of how emotions influence information processing in the cells and circuits of the amygdala. She is interested in the formation and evolution of galaxies. For further information about Haris see his research page: https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/dr-haris-aziz. Matthews work has a bionanotechnology angle - learning from natures machinery and complexity to refine the next generation of bespoke nanotechnology. His research currently focuses on materials development and fundamental mechanistic understanding for widely-used lithium-ion batteries and next generation systems such as sodium-ion batteries, discovery of new negative and near-zero thermal expansion ceramics, and experimenting with a range of analytical techniques (expensive characterisation toys) to probe materials and their function. Providing access to eye care for asylum seekers in the community in Sydney. She is interested in substance-related disorders and her research focuses on the epidemiology, assessment and prevention of problematic alcohol use across the lifespan. Zhiming also held the Jacob Wertheim Fellowship for the Betterment of Industrial Relationships at Harvard University and Research Fellowship at the Bank of Finland. She is also an Associate Editor of the highest ranked journal for original research in reproductive medicine, Human Reproduction. If you are interested in undertaking PhD, Masters, ILP or Honours research with A/Prof Golebiowski, please contact her via email. She is a cancer researcher and her research specifically focuses on deadly cancers with low survival rates that have seen very limited progress, including brain and pancreatic cancer. When Lawrence is not researching, he enjoys rock climbing, surfing and being with his family. For further information about Lawrence see his research page: Louise Mewton was a Scientia SeniorLecturerin the Faculty of Medicine and Health, School of Psychiatry.

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