It does not include the cost of any other options, such as Declared Value, nor does it include the value of the COD itself. A workstation on which the Single Workstation version of UPS WorldShip is installed. This report verifies the successful transmission of your shipment data to UPS during the End of Day process. If the Printer Type is Label, the Label Printer Setup window appears. The CBSA approves several methods for submitting the Export Declaration, including the electronic B13A form, the paper B13A form, and the summary reporting method. A package qualifies as a large package when its dimension exceeds 130 inches and is less than or equal to 165 inches (or local equivalent). One 4" x 11" thermal label prints for the doc box and each child shipment package in a master shipment. International Shipment or Consolidated Movement. On the Options tab, the following shipment-level options: Handling Charge, shipment Quantum View Notify, and Delivery Confirmation. This barcode is a Code 128 barcode and is limited to 14 alphanumeric or 24 numeric characters. See Rating Preferences Tab in the Shipper Editor Window. You may complete the endof--day procedure multiple times in the Configuration Checklist for Workgroup Remote Workstations. Use AES to electronically file the Electronic Export Information (EEI) to the US Customs Service's AES, which captures and stores US export statistical data. WebSetting up WorldShip to calculate and display the negotiated/discounted rates defined in your UPS contract involves three steps: 1. A UPS World Ease term for the agent and party responsible for the payment of duties and taxes to the appropriate government agencies. Tip: If updating a printer, see step 4. Tip: In order for the image to print, you must specify Graphical Image (Company Logo) for the Label Configuration and the location of the graphical image. UPS WorldShip automatically assigns a tracking number to each package you ship. Note: You can choose a primary and secondary rate type to display in this window simply by setting a shipper editor preference. Creating the UPS End of Day Filter 1. See Set Rate Type and Storage Preferences. If you select Print Return Label for the Return Services shipment option, UPS WorldShip may print a Return Service Customer Receipt.